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Conceive this canvass of intricate weave

Each moment’s conveyance a tapestry

Sounds of earthly existence compel us

Discernment of our being, dawn of days

Skeletal remnants of a rising sun

As charcoal strokes of maven creations

In the silence of profound observance

Your heartbeat upon my breast pulsation

Cadent in its eurythmic responses

Life’s very blood upon fall and ascension


Tree limbs twist and bow in awkward abeyance

Stripped naked by the fast of winter’s chill

Insignificant rustle of footsteps

The tread of our soles dwindling impressions

Our shadow lingers, an aberrant soul

Cowering self to a former being

Rough-trodden the laneway maunders aimless

Its preordain a foregone conclusion

Our obscurity the grand delusion

The sun ever constant shall rise and fall


Copyright Don MacIver 2011;  All Rights Reserved

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